Since I have installed my Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview on my laptop I wanted to know if I was able to manage the device (which is domain joined) by enrolling it via Microsoft Intune that is connected with Configuration Manager 2012 R2. Just a quick blog about how the enrolling experience looks within Windows 10 and Configuration Manager 2012 R2.
So the first step is going to the settings page via the Notification center, and after that we need to go to the Accounts section. In the previous versions Windows 8.x and the earlier Technical Preview of Windows 10 you needed to go to the Network section. It is now logical since all account related options are gathered together. (Your Account, Sign-in options, Your Workplace, Sync Settings and Other user accounts)
To be able to enroll the Windows 10 Technical Preview you need to select “Your Workplace” and select “connect to workplace”.
After clicking Sign In, you need to login to Microsoft Intune to authenticate your account via ADFS, Multi Factor Authentication or just a password. After you are logged on you are able to Allow certain management by your IT Staff.
After enrolling the device the device will show up in the Configuration Manager 2012 R2 console. You see that some inventory is flowing down and that.
Looking at the Microsoft Intune standalone enrollment experience, when looking in Your Worlplace in the Settings screen you are able to sync or remove your device from Intune (or the Hybrid environment) or get information. (the information button does not work yet)
After enrolling the device into Microsoft Intune is also shows up as a device with a Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview Operating System. It is again recognized as a mobile device
As we all know Configuration Manager 2012 R2 and Microsoft Intune does not support the Windows 10 Technical Preview (yet) because it is not finished yet and it is not supposed to be installed in production. But it is nice to see that the enrollment functionality is there and that you are able to test that in an early stage.
Till later.